domingo, 16 de enero de 2022



Students are advised to review and adhere to the to the submission requirements document after the assessment  task.

A library has come to you as a developer and outlined that currently they do not have any software to track the different titles they have in stock, users the library and borrowings. They have asked you to develop a system which will allow them do this. The library doesn't have a budget for a database, so your solution must implements a text-file-based system to ensure persistency of the data.

Specific requirements.

The library system must include the following entities:

. Book: to model all data relevant to the books. id, title, author and/or any another piece of information that you consider relevant.

. Reader: To model all data relevant to the users of the library. ID, name, address and/or any other piece of information that you consider relevant.

When the program is executed, it must automatically load onto memory the data that exists on the text file(s) in the form of objects. Book, readers, and any other entity that you include in tour design (e. f., borrowings). You've been provided with a file that contains the current inventory of book of the library system, so you need to adhere to this format. However, you must create your own file structure to store readers and borrowings.

Consider your user to be an employee from library. After all the data has been loaded, the user should be presented with the following options.

. Search for a specific book by title and/or author name.

. List all books by title and/or author name alphabetical order.

. Search for a specific reader by name and/or ID.

. List all readers by alphabetical and/or ID order

. Register that a reader has borrowed a book

. if a book is borrowed and another reader wants to borrow it, allow the user to add that reader to a waiting list (queue)

. Register that a reader has returned a book.

. If a book is returned and has a waiting queue, display to the user the next reader waiting for that book

. For a specific reader, list the books that they have borrowed.

To perform these tasks, you should implement appropriate constructs and data structures. The use of the Java Collections Framework is allowed, except for Queues. Your implementation of any queue structure must be CUSTOM MADE for your application.

You must implement CUSTOM MADE searching and/or sorting algorithms. Even though, the use of built-in java Collections classes is allowed, searching and/or sorting algorithms must be your own.

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